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DAY 30! 10 more to Go!
fresh Views: 1,257
Published: 21 y

DAY 30! 10 more to Go!

It does get easier everyone...I've been alternating between SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) and lax tea. Eliminating nicely. Haven't seen worms in weeks, but still taking the parasite cleanse til my bottle's gone (Quantum Health's "Worm/ parasite clease"). My tongue is still coated, but less so. Last time I checked I'd lost a lot of weight. Waking up earlier. Dealing with my "stuff." Wiped out rollerblading the other day, but not for lack of energy, I just didn't know how to stop! I've definitely been thinking abt food. Yesterday I watched the Food Network BBQ Marathon. All I cld think was "I'm never eating that stuff again." Signed up for a raw "cooking" class. I know I can make it to day 40. Thanks everyone...


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