Re: There is HOPE!
I am so sorry you are going thru this too. My daughter had some very dark days too. There were a lot of days she/I didn't think she could take it even more day. Her anxiety was so bad there were times I was even questioning her sanity! She had never had anxiety attacks before and now was often hysterical panicked and irrational. And the physical symptoms were so bad she could barely walk and her hair was falling out in handfuls. She lost all independence, lost her house, her friends, in a lot of ways her life, she was unable to work, couldn't care for her child and had to move back in with me. It was so frustrating and she didn't think it would ever end. It takes time. For some it takes longer than others. I tried to help but was also so irritated with the whole situation. It takes a toll on everyone! You just have to keep going, don't blame yourself, allow yourself time to heal, be patient, rest when u can, know that you are not crazy or alone and cut yourself some slack. Put yourself and your recovery #1. And ask for help. Family friends etc. Find all the support you can and just focus on getting thru each day. It will and does get better. Don't expect Dr's to understand, it may be years before it is proven than Mirena is poison for some women. The FDA has had over 50,000 adverse reaction reports from women and doctors, you would think that would tell them something! Just keep researching things that might help. This website is very informative. My daughter is truly so much better now and hasn't had an anxiety attack in a long time. She also had buzzing sensations and neuropathy and had horrible burning and tingling in her legs arms hands and feet, pre and post removal along with many other symptoms! But it's all gotten much better. She still battles with fatigue but when she exercises it really does help but I understand there are days you can't get out of bed. Just remember it does get better! My daughter is living proof. She had every symptom I have read about and though still has some issues, is functioning and back to herself. Hang in there and keep going!!!! Day by day. I wish more people had told me that back then, it was so bad I wasn't sure there was a light at the end of the tunnel but there is!!! Reach out to others going thru it too, that really helped us. Keep in touch and best wishes to you and a speedy recovery. And remember there is light at the end of the tunnel. Stay strong and know you are not alone!!!!! Hailey56