Hello everyone. I am in the middle of a biofilm protocol. I currently take 600mg Apolactoferrin, 120,000 SPU's of Serrapeptase, and 720,000 Units of Lumbrokinase as soon as I wake up on an empty stomach. After 30 minutes I take a very high dose of probiotics.
I have a question to anyone knowledgeable about this topic. Are the high doses of biofilm busting enzymes that I take interfering with the benefits of the probiotics? Do these enzymes affect the probiotics? Am I taking them too close together, and should I space out the probiotics and enzymes more? I don't want to be doing something that it counterproductive.
Any insight would be appreciated! I really wanna get this biofilm crap figured out. I have basically beaten the battle with candida, I get absolutely no die off anymore as compared to viscious die off years ago. I can eat pretty much anything I want. But I can literally still feel a slimy layer of very resistant biofilm coating my intestines....and b/c of this symptoms sometimes pop up....and as a result my adrenals aren't allowed to heal after 5 years of the most abuse any body could take....