Pumping service reporting you to the county ? That is HORRIBLE! I never would have thought of that. That is just another Booby Trap to suck us into Septic Tank Nightmare. I'll post your warning in my Doc file!
I'm sorry but I don't believe what your septic pumper said. I think he is trying to sell an extra profit line of BS.
Sludge does not float, it sinks to the bottom. In the secondary tank, there is always a smaller amount of scum floating on the top, and a smaller amount of sludge in the bottom. Even if you did have a leak in the tank, there is no place for it to go. Far more liquid goes into your leach field than what could possibly leak from your tank. It would be easy to verify his claim by marking the water level before going on a trip, then see if the level dropped while you were away. Even if a little were leaking from the tank, how could it possibly be a problem?