Re: Update, 3rd month in
Yes. My wife takes calcium and magnesium.
That seems to be one of the fundamental differences between Larry Wilson/ARL and TEI. I don't quite understand it .... but the it is supposed to help provide some available calcium while also drawing out stored calcium.
My calcium increases for a few months, and then went back down. I have improved joints, so possibly it was calcium being eliminated.
My wifes calcium is going up. Pam K assures her it will go down and she is just eliminating it now. I'll let you know.
She does have high copper. It is not hidden.
I am doing OK. After two years of my copper getting high and higher, it as finally a little lower on the last test.
No.. I never too Isocort myself. I am pretty much just on the ARL supplements.
I don't take any hormone anymore (I took progesterone and pregnenlone for a few years). So I am making progress.