Hello all.
It's been almost 3 months now since starting NB. Not much of a NB protocal, except to take:
Potassium (99mg.) twice a day
More sodium
Magnesium citrate / Glycine 200-400mg. day
Occassionally a few sprays of Magn. Oil
More Vitamin A, and no D
( but I am taking my A in cod liver oil which does have some low dose D ) my NB practicioner said this was ok.
ALso, have incorporated some Melatonin at night with GABA and alternating with 25-50mg. 5-HTP. Taking B6, 50mg. daily
One thing I've noticed for the better:
My light headedness, spaciness is a bit better, as well as sleeping a little better too, less anxiety and now getting 6-8 hours of sleep at night ( but not all the time ) but an improvement.
I also went back on Adrenal cortex subllingual drops and this has helped. ( not much, but some)
So, pleased to see at least a 5-10% imrovement in these small areas.
Now, I'm having MOST OF MY PROBLEMS WITH this severe "HEEL SPUR" and Plantar Fasciatis. The pain is far worse than any of my oher adrenal issues.
Even the first steriod injectin in the heel did not help but a slight bit. I finally found a better Podiatrist, and now doing the plantar fascia stretches, icing and inserts. This is what happens when I wore flip flops all summer with high arches.
But, I think too, with my severe adrenal and high cortisol levels for years, if I have not lost collagen causing weakness in ligaments and plantar fascia in the foot.
I know collagen acts like steel threads that hold tissue, tendons, etc. all together.