Hey I was one of the anxious nervous kids and still am. Now they think I also had ADD and still have. Magnesium is a life saver for me also except with having a thyroid issue it's going to be a balancing act for me. Hope he continues to do better. Just let him know that like the happy Buddhists say "suffering comes with not accepting that nothing in life is permanent"..once you realise that, you can begin to learn to accept what you have and the new opportunities that usually lie under your nose - if you only bother to "look". I'm still finding it hard to learn this but i understand the logic of it - especially for those of use in the WEst who have been taught that you are nothing without having whatever one else seems to have - success in monetary terms and "perfect" relationships - causes unnecessary craving, meanwhile the beauty around gets ignored.
So glad to know he has you with all your knowledge...and even more glad to know you were able to curb Addison from rearing it's head again. It might have all been for a purpose though..he seeing that his actions have impact on others and that obviously these others are people who care and that he is not alone. Not everyone has that.
But tell me what does the Sympack do? - how is it that it can replace the high dose of Magneisum. I need to find something that will do the same except I'm a slow oxidizer.