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Re: Hi Guys

Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

Marie 64 Views: 1,683
Published: 12 y
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Re: Hi Guys

Thanks Inti, I will tell you it was scary for me and even him. It was sad one night he came home and was just talking out of his hat. I truly did not believe he was drinking. Thankfully my hubby ??? him and he admitted to drinking for the past he pulled the wool over my eyes. He use to love to drink in his early 20's and I had to then put a stop to it. I grew up with a drunk in the house...and I was not going to go down that road again in life. He stopped for close to 8 years so I was surprised when he said he was. But truly I thought he was loosing his mind.

THat night I have never experience what I have had with Addison like I did that night. Most of my time suffering from Addison's was low sodium issues..never a cortisol attack like I had..I was terrified. Luckly I had extra hydrocortisone here and ended up taking 90 mg that night (never in my life did I have to)..but it worked. I thought magnesium, I gave my son two doses and it calmed his drunkness right down and he ended up sleeping on the floor right by my bed terrified I was gonna die.. So he himself asked for help. THANK GOD FOR HAIR ANALYSIS...What ever TEI OR is a blessing for him and I and othes.

He is a fast 4 and he was loosing weight and eating right through the magnesium...and the sympack. We called Rick and he imformed me he will need to carry the mag and sympack with him and take as much as he can tolerate at this time. When the magnesium he ate through it he was like a different angry person..SO he ended up with to much loose stool from the magnesium so he is now on 10-14 sym packs and about 6-8 fish pills and feeling at a 8-10 from a scale of 0-10 , 10 being happy he is at this point already..

I recommend anyone who suffers anxities or even Depression have a hair analysis. Best part was to find out why when he was 11-15 he had major behavoral problems, He was always anxious since 4 th grade and things just spiraled out of control..we did some reseach and it all fell into place when he gets stress or anxious we now know he need to do magnsium right away and most likely for the rest of his life ...His make up is a fast oxidizer and you burn more mag and even more when under stress...if you don;t take the magnesium he will end up doing stupid things that he would not other wise do while on is shocking to me after all these years to connect this.

Sorry for going on...just also for those children with anxities and behavoral problems there is good help out there.

Marie :)

Ps...Thank you for the kind words...:)


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