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Dr. Andreas Kalcker arrested in Spain for giving conference on benefits of MMS for cure of MANY ailments/diseases
Birk Views: 20,539
Published: 12 y

Dr. Andreas Kalcker arrested in Spain for giving conference on benefits of MMS for cure of MANY ailments/diseases

Directly copied from the Genesis website:

The Country of Spain Attacks Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and Andreas Kalcker (11-21-2012)

Sign petition and help Andreas Kalcker: here.

On 10/25/2012, Andreas Ludwig Kalcker, our Miracle-Mineral-Supplement Bishop in Spain, was invited, via an internet contact, to give a talk in Spain for people on the topic of “MMS, Fraud or Miracle.”

(Anyone up for subtitling of this video?)

The talk was to be given from a scientific perspective, as Andreas is primarily interested in the study of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement from a scientific standpoint, and it was to be given in the workplace of the two people who had asked him to make the presentation.

Andreas is a founding member of a third world association, dedicated to water purification in Africa called EHP )

This conference itself was called "MMS, fraud or miracle" and gave the pros and cons about chlorine dioxide (also called MMS), an effective disinfectant used for more than 100 years to treat drinking water for human use. Mr. Kalcker first talked about chlorine dioxide toxicity when swallowed.

He remarked that there are three levels of scientific studies of chlorine dioxide or MMS. The highest possible requires one to obtain a permit of medication. In that testing by the US Government, the ingestion of as much as 24 mg of chlorine dioxide was considered absolutely safe. (Controlled Clinical Evaluations of Chlorine Dioxide, Chlorite and Chlorate in Man by Judith R. Lubbers,* Sudha Chauan,* and Joseph R. Bianchine*)

Later, in his talk, Andreas Kalcker spoke of patents obtained by different multinational pharmaceutical companies, to cash in on this product or to prevent it from being marketed.

Some of those patents include:

1. Nontoxic Antiseptic (Pat 4035483/1977)
2. For combatting human amoebas (Pat.4296102 / 1981)
3. Against dementia caused by AIDS (Pat.5877222 / 1999)
4. For curing all types of illness of the skin (Pat 4737307 / 1988)
5. For disinfecting live blood (Pat. 5019402/ 1991)
6. For curing injuries more rapidly (Pat. 5855922 / 1999)
7. For all types of oral care (Procter & Gamble) (Pat. 6251372B1/ 2001)
8. Against infections caused by bacterias (Pat. 5252343 / 1993)
9. For treatment of severe burns (Pat.4317814/ 1982)
10. For the regeneration of bone marrow (Pat. 4851222 /1989)
11. Treatment of Alzheimers, dementia etc... (Pat. 8029826B2 /2011)
12. To stimulate the immune system in animals (Pat. 6099855 /2000)
13. To stimulate the immunological system...(Bioxy. Inc.) (Pat. 5830511/ 1998)

This completely contradicts the claim made by the AEMPS (Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios, the Spanish equivalent to the FDA)

and that it may cause kidney or liver failure methemoglobinasa (lack of oxygen in red blood cells) This mineral salt, ClO2 (chlorine dioxide), is apparently not available to purchase in the marketplace because it is not patentable, thus it does not provide large margins of profit for the pharmaceutical industry.

It also can cause spontaneous remissions from multiple pathologies where palliative care is more profitable to the pharmaceutical industry.

During the conference Andreas Kalcker stressed that the interest of the pharmaceutical companies is not to cure a patient, since curing loses a customer, and all new investigations made today are only palliative for the purpose of creating lifetime patients. At the conference he did not allude at any time on how to use it, nor was he inciting any of those present to purchase or ingest it, although apparently the health inspectors and police did not interpret it that way.

Kalcker’s information is true to the facts, and an uncomfortable truth for multinational interests who would rather avoid the facts about something that apparently is saving lives.

At no time did Kalcker DE CLARE that MMS cures cancer. However, he was citing cases of self-medication and also documented cases of spontaneous remissions that have occurred around the world. During the conference he sought to explain these cures scientifically, as the traditional ratio of a spontaneous remission of cancer is only 1 in 10,000 cases and in the case of MMS it is higher than 85%. An 8500 times better chance of living.

Chlorine dioxide is not a hazardous substance itself. Tons of it are used in the seawater desalination plant in Can Mari (Ibiza) (where the conference was held).

The danger that may occur is if one mistakenly used a highly concentrated form. Highly concentrated forms of virtually any substance can cause death, and Andreas Kalcker pointed out in this conference that 70 g of plain table salt causes death.

There have been thousands of reports world wide of excessive doses of MMS being ingested, however, with the hundreds of millions of tons of this substance used each year worldwide for water purification, preservation of vegetables, sterilization of slaughtered meat, and hundreds of other uses, there has never been a report of a death caused by ingestion of chlorine dioxide.

This proves chlorine dioxide to be one of the safes products known.

Before starting the informative conference, Kalcker told the Dutch couple who invited him, “You cannot sell MMS in Spain like in Holland to avoid legal problems.” They pledged that they would not do it and that the bottles they had were purchased long ago outside of Spain and were for personal use.

At the end of the conference about 12 people from the civil guard appeared and required all 20 participants to remain seated. Apparently, after the conference, the organizers of the event had sold a DVD on chlorine dioxide at the entrance to the meeting place, and the police considered that to be illegal. They also had 1 package of MMS at the counter. The police required them to take out all of their bottles that they had bought elsewhere, and that they use as a common disinfectant in their work.

No MMS was sold during the conference.

During the conference Andreas Kalcker stated only facts, not opinions or recommendations. According to the Medicines Act 2006 even this is crime!

He has also been ordered to suspend all activity and subsequent seminars by ministerial order.

Kalcker was informed, "I take this opportunity to remind you that, in accordance with Article 4 of Law 29/2006 of guarantees and rational use of medicines and health products expressly prohibits the promotion, advertising or informing the public of the products presented as medicines without legally recognized as such and that the breach of this prohibition gives rise to the liabilities and penalties provided for in Chapter II of Title VIII of the Act, regardless of the precautionary measures that arise and the civil or criminal liability that may be required. In this effect, paragraph 17 of Article 101.2.c) of the Act defines as gross misconduct (with minimum fine of € 90,000 to 1000,000) the conduct promotion, advertising or information product to the general public or prepared for medicinal purposes, even if the product itself does not explicitly refer to these purposes, including drug substances and their combinations, which are not authorized as drugs.”

This is a clear violation of constitutional rights in Spain!

Article 20.1 of the Constitution of Spain that talks about freedom of expression clearly presents the rights as follows;

A. To freely express and disseminate thoughts, ideas and opinions through words, in writing or any other means of reproduction.
B. To produce creations: literary, artistic, scientific and technical.
C. To haveAcademic freedom.
D. To freely communicate or receive truthful information by any media. The Law shall regulate the right of conscience clause and professional secrecy in the exercise of these freedoms”

Moreover, there are many products of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) that are virtually identical to MMS as described by Jim Humble in his book, Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium, products which are currently approved by the FDA in America, whose product names are below. They are manufactured by Frontier Farmaceutical, Alcide, Bioxy, and others for skin and oral care:

» DioxiRinse™ Mouthwash
» DioxiBrite™ Toothpaste
» DioxiWhite™ Pro Teeth Whitener
» WhiteLasting™ Maintenance Gel
» BioClenz™ Dental Unit Waterline Cleaner
» Penetrator™ Periodontal Gel
» Simply Clear™ Acne Treatment
» DioxiWhite™ Home Teeth Whitener
» Cankers Away™ Canker Sore Cure
» DX7™ Skin Protectant Gel
» Periodontitis Treatment
» DioxiSmooth™ Facial Exfoliant
» Gingivitis Treatment Surface Disinfection
» Fire Fighter™ Burn Pain Reliever
» DioxiGuard™ Spray Disinfectant
» Nail-It™ Nail

We need signatures from all around the world against this travesty. I have given a link below where you can go to give your signature and also your opinion if you like why you are giving your signature:

We already have more than 7000 signatures, but we need millions. It will take less than 5 minutes and it will mean a lot to help Andreas in Spain.

You can change the site to English. When you get to the site, go all the way to the bottom and there will be a white square with the word Española. Click on that and then sellect English.

For an english translation of the actual spanish text in the link above, feel free to see what Google Translate has to say about it here.

As always with love,
Archbishop Jim Humble.
• "Make a habit of two things:
to help; or at least to do no harm."
• "Walking is man's best medicine."
• "Everything in excess is opposed to nature."
-Hippocrates, Father of Western medicine


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