Re: Fasting to fix Patella tendinosis
You are most welcome, sir. I've a 17-year-old daughter who is gluten intolerant (CAN'T have wheat, rye, or barley), and knows full well about peer pressure, especially when you want to eat out with friends. Her diabetic dad's blood
Sugar totally normalized when he gave up wheat.
take the 'good stuff' off the crust
don't eat the crust
remove the bun
eat everything else
take out the croutons
Wendy's 'frostie' and chili have no wheat in them
Steakk and Shake
remove buns from burgers
most shakes are gluten-free (except obvious ones with cookies blended in)
There are ways to 'control' the damage to your gut but still enjoy the socialization part of college
I hope I helped in just a little way
Oh, and those pickles? Even tho they may not be the 'best' thing, they will help you digest the other stuff.
Been there
I am a former Pepsi freak and vending-machine brownie eater
I am 56 and much healthier than when your age. Last summer my meniscus disc went out in my left knee, and started acting up in the right knee when I couldn't walk right. They wanted to do surgery, but I cleaned up my diet in a hurry. It saved me. The diet, I mean.
That knee pain was worse than labor. I kid you not.
Sometimes we don't know what our own 'last straw' is until it hits us right between the eyes.