I have one of the good doctor's books. I think at best he was an allopath who dared to think outside the box, which is very bold. But I also think he became so wrapped up in the panacea of his water cure that he didn't bother to look deeper into the specifics and applications of his treatments. His research shouldn't be ingored! But it wasn't perfect.
Many people drink far too much unadulterated pure water, putting stress on their kidneys. Dr. B. hardley mentions adding salt; it's easy to miss for those who just skim through books. But is so important! And the type of salt makes all the difference, as does the type of water.
In my opinion, a water treatment should be temporary. It's time someone did more research on this topic...
but water can't be patented and marketed...can it? I suppose if it were a delivery system for drugs...