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Re: Can someone explain this?
I viewed your post before MH deleted it. Sometimes even I don't know why MH gets so mad. It can be quite a shock. But I can not understand why you thought that Dr. Hay never advocated the orange-juice fast. Did you read the book? I understand if you focus on a specific point (such as lemons) you might overlook it, unless it is pointed out to you.
Here is Dr. Hay's quote word for word:
"The sticklers for the absolute fast would decry such a plan as not being an absolute fast, therefore not to be classed as fasting at all, yet the body will lose weight from its own stores of fuels almost as rapidly as in the absolute fast, unless large amounts of the fruit juices are used, when a sufficient amount of the grape sugar of the fruits will be taken to keep up a part of the body's needs for glycogen, but juices up to a pint a day, using ORANGE JUICE as a standard, and containing an ounce or two of the vegetable juices, will give in effect the same results as will the absolute fast, yet offer to the body daily an abundance of those chemicals of which it stands in greatest need continually." -- Dr. Hay
MH modified Dr. Hay's book that is TRUE..since the copy-write expired long ago - it is allowed. Yet MH never changed a word Dr. Hay wrote. I have both copies and have been comparing them, side-by-side. When you get into it you will see that he just changed the format mostly with bold letters and bullet points.
Hope that helps and doesn't discourage you from following the PRINCIPLES of good health that originated long ago by noble doctors who lived with integrity.
with metta,