Re: Lower back pain
Hey PurplePixie,
Wow, what interesting insight. I didn't realize what you had mentioned about the progesterone and estrogen and go figure the aches is linked to my hormones, this totally makes sense bc the times you mentioned is when I tend to get the slight aches.
It's funny because for me I can drink a good amount of water now and don't have the frequent urination this only changed the last 3 months, wheras the last 5 years I would frequently urinate regardless of how little I drank. I hope it's a sign that my kidneys are getting better due to this signal, perhaps now my symptoms are showing more with the slight ache.
I just submitted a hair retest, so not sure where my adrenals are at at this point in time on the last test I was in two lows, with my NA and K levels being low... this is what I have been working on so I hope they have moved.. I was at a good 75% energy loss based on my low NA level in relation to the other so it all makes sense.
How did you find out when your cortisol is low or high aside from doing a saliva test? I have a feeling my cortisol seems to spike as of the last couple of weeks around 5-8PM as I tend to feel more anxious around this time. It always seen to be that my symptoms flucuate with my hormones, but it keeps changing.
i.e. every month seems to be different for me, last month I felt my worst before and during my period. This month wasn't as bad, but when I came off I felt a little worse. It never seems to be consistent and my PMS symptoms are ever changing. I used to have horrific cramps and the last two months I haven't had any except for a slight pain in the pelvis which I haven't had for years. The last 3 months I had really sore breasts and this last cycle I didn't have this issue at all. Most months I tend to have increase in heart palps particularly if I eat the wrong foods during PMS, this month I didn't have any issues. and the last two months I have had two periods in one month, the one being my period was super light as though it wasn't a period and the one a week later being more my period. I also used to have the blood clumps TMI ever since I went on BC and this month's menstrual cycle was the first month I saw a dramatic decrease in this and also a dramatic decrease in the brown blood which I used to get for 4-5 days. It all seems to be evolving... my MD wanted me to complete a hormone test and also a ultrasound but I am holding off for now as my NB practitioner stated that all of these symptoms and the current detox I am going through is a sign that my body is moving copper, linked to estrogen and it is normal for women to experience period irregularities during this time. If I had known all of the havoc the birth control would have caused to begin with I never would have ever gone on it... it is what sent my adrenals crashing when I stopped a year ago. But, luckily I am seeing improvements with each month as I work on it all :)
I will have to check out the Ray Peat's gel you mention, I have been hesitant to try any creams because I seem to get mixed reviews, but I am always open to research and haven't heard of the gel form before.
thanks for your insight! I really appreciate it!