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Lower back pain
MCW Views: 1,697
Published: 12 y

Lower back pain

has anyone experienced this on NB? I can't tell if it is around my kidneys or just my back? I am wondering if anyone has experienced this?

I used to urinate all the time, drink a glass of water and it was out of me within 5 minutes. The last two months my urine timing has been much better and I can drink a glass and not have to urinate even within the hour, but I am having this slight cramping pain... anyone have an idea of what it could be? I don't know if it's my muscles constricting back there and it's related to hormones as it seems to happen around my period, but I just got off it and am still having it so not sure what it is. I am not as thirsty as I used to be, not sure if this is related too, perhaps I need to drink more water. I feel like I've been constantly hungry lately and too much water hurts my stomach... hmm.

Thanks everyone!



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