Im having a huge issue in my body. Long pleasantly exhausting story short...i have candida...parasites...and tremendous amounts of other stomach issues because of the long epxposure to this and mal nutrition because of doubt on what to eat...If you suggest i stay away from oxalic acid veggies...and i cant eat starchy red meat...and no grains/legumes because of candida/parasites...basically...there is no FOOD LEFT...and this is whats super frustrating. What on earth can a human do? On top of all of this..when you are going through this...the simplest of tasks are super challenging...critical thinking...judgement calls...reading/learning/absorbing= superbly become in a state of emergency...but your stuck in a bind.. sufficiently being able to ask for help...convincing someone for help...while managing to pay bills and truck up within the system...uhhhh...I must cleanse my liver/gall bladder...colon...basically...need a whole revamp is what i need...How does one go about effectively...efficiently strategically...cleansing and healing the body while having parasites/candida a hurt liver/kidney/colon/gall bladder? If you Break down each individual cleanse.../ restricts you from every single FOOD possible. Which leaves air and water and sun...which unfortunately i havent adjusted and trained my body to live off of that is an aspiration that isnt the reality...I would love some guidance...because at this flustered with everything. Basically looking to cleanse...while nourish and be able to maintain myself...optimally? NO...thats the least be able to function...functioning is somewhat important to me during this process. Thanks so much for all of your insight/knowledge/experience and suggestions. 1 Love.