Re: Copper Detox
Well ... I have been going through it for 2 years ! ... it can take a while.
My copper trended higher and higher for 2 years, and just the last reading, went down quite a bit, but still high.
Some common symptoms are headaches and insomnia. I had psoriosis quite bad for a while.
This is from Gittlemans book
the blood, causing blood levels of copper to rise. If copper is released more quickly than the liver can eliminate it, copper levels in the blood rise too high, resulting in a mild version of copper poisoning. Typical copper-dump symptoms include nausea and other digestive disorders, anxiety, mental racing and hyperactivity, irritability, emotional volatility, headaches, insomnia, skin rashes, and mild flulike symptoms.
Gittleman, Ann Louise (2010-07-18). Why Am I Always So Tired?