11 y
Re: Interesting theory about Mebendazole or Vermox
Shroom, I dont mean disrespect. But YOu are the least qualified person to make claims about
parasites and specially Blasto. I ruined my life, because so many here trying to treat a
parasite which was not Pathogenic, after I found.
There is no such thing as a strain this or that, that makes a
parasite more pathogenic. COME ON MAN. I went to brilliant doctor and he said, like he said to traveller 123, that Blasto was not pathogenic. And when you claim Blasto strain is pathogenic, you are misleading people.
Most doctors who MAY claim Blasto is pathogenic cannot find the real
parasite causing the problems.
I have written about this numerous times.
Traveller123 is the one who saved my life. He was the first one to note that Blasto is not pathogenic, and he was right, and followed his path... and found out he was dead accurate.
GO FIND A Doctor who can diagnose you. YOU COME here saying you are researcher, and you have no clue what you have.