Re: James R. White EXPOSED!
"He has been divorced and therefore should not be preaching according
to the scriptures."
Why not?
By Staff in Christian News · March 19, 2013
Several years ago I had the great blessing of having been selected as one of
about 20 clergy who enjoyed an all expense paid self-care focused pilgrimage to
Israel. At least for me it was life changing! I was shocked at what I learned
(and now teach) about the lives of pastors.
Three of the major researchers into clergy life all voiced similar
The Barna Group reports that
90% of pastors report working between 55- 75 hours per week
50% of pastors report feeling unable to meet the demands of their jobs
70% constantly fight depression
50% of pastors starting out will not last 5 years
50% of pastors’ marriages end in divorce
70% of pastors do not have a close friend
Ellison Research reports that
according to the results of their study:
71% of pastors say that they are overweight by an average of 32.1 pounds
52% say that they experience signs of stress on a weekly basis
Other statistics note that pastors’ physical health is comparatively worse
than others in the areas in which they live, while pastor’s mental health is
likewise riddled with increased symptoms of clinical depression, anxiety, stress
and burnout.
As a “seasoned” practicing psychotherapist — pastors would approach me
(much like Nicodemus came to Jesus )—under the cover of confidentially to
share concerns about their emotional or physical health and the stresses of
congregational leadership. Unwilling to follow any of the self-care
suggestions I (or others) offered one by one I watched them succumb to
deteriorating health, divorce and death.
While on the Israel trip, I realized for the first time that my experiences
with self-care and pastors was not just mine, and that we have a real crisis as
I returned from my Israel pilgrimage more relaxed and adjusted and a woman on
a mission!
Sadly – my mission would prove to be stymied at each turn.
Irrespective of the support from my Bishop, a cadre of devoted, creative,
professional and clinically trained clergy and a previously formed 501C3 set
aside to address the unique mental health needs of clergy — we could not get
clergy to “buy into prioritizing themselves” on any significantly
demonstrated level.
A more recent review of data disclosed an additional upsetting state of
While there is a growing body of information on the status of pastors, there
is hardly any focus on pastors’ care. Of themselves Pastors and
self-care is typically understood as how to teach pastors to better care for
others —but not themselves.
If there is little on pastors ‘self-care —-there is nothing at all
regarding how Latino and Black pastors view self-care or how well they focus on
Weary over the years — I continue to attempt to insinuate myself into
clergy meetings, pastoral retreat agendas and to interest clergy in even
half-day self-focused retreats.
But there is always grace!
I was recently blessed to receive a research grant from the Louisville
Institute’s Pastoral Study Project. My topic is this, “Factors
in the Development of Successful Strategies for Engaging Black & Latino
Pastors in a Program of Clergy Self-Care”.
Along with a team of researchers, a research assistant and a translator
(Rev Dr. Amaury Tanton-Santos, Rev, Kim Mayner, Rev. Natalie Mitchem, Ms.
Kamaria Byrd and Ms. Enercida Rodriquez Jones) I have set out to do 4 things:
1 Review the literature on the status of pastors’ health
2. Assemble a group of clergy/clinicians and scholars to assist us in
discovering and articulating how factors such as culture, gender, theological
interpretations, factor into the decisions Black and Latino pastors make
regarding the status they give to self-care.
3. Survey of a sample of Latino and Black senior pastors who have at least 3
years of experience as pastor.
4. Analyze the resulting data with conclusions about ways in which the
information can be used to create more feasible and engaging programs for the
longevity, spiritual, emotional and physical improvement and empowerment of
Black and Latino men and women who take up the banner of “pastor” in our