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Re: Adrenal Fatigue and relationships
SB1108 Views: 1,526
Published: 12 y
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Re: Adrenal Fatigue and relationships

I feel incredibly guilty about having adrenal fatigue! I repeatedly tell my fiancé that he deserves better than this life with me (he is perfectly healthy).

We didn't get a lot of "normal time" together before I became sick (less than a year) - but he has been so supportive! He tells me that I shouldn't feel guilty for being sick, which is always nice to hear but... At the same time, his support increases my guilt. The more parties, dinners, and trips that he misses out on... the worse my guilt becomes. He doesn't mind staying in with me most of the time, but I want him to go out with friends and be normal too.

I think a huge part of it is that we had a life together before my adrenal fatigue where we went out every weekend with friends, we were always traveling, and just free to do whatever. We definitely had to rewrite all expectations!


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