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Re: ALL: Sodium Levels
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Re: ALL: Sodium Levels

Hi There,

thanks so much for your input! Good to hear it can happen. So what supps were you taking before your levels raised?

I am debating about the glandulars. I am taking some supplements that help raise the sodium and some that raise the pottasium at the moment and all is fine but I want to try to increase my energy levels further and it seems that adding the glandulars will do this, particularly because I have increased my MAG supplementation due to the stress I am under with a big move and in turn this shuts off your adrenals if you are in a low NA/K state, hence the last couple of days why my energy dropped slightly when the last 3 months I was feeling great.
The issue also for me is the hormone imbalance I have had ever since I went off birth control, I need to raise the Na/K levels so I am able to balance my hormones and also dump any copper that may be hiding from the BC pills that will in turn balance out my zinc to copper ratio. For me, I'm just unsure about the glandulars, but thinking about incorporating a very small dose in 1/4 supplement a day and see if this helps with my levels / ratios. Also completing a retest next week so if my levels have raised I may just stop the glandulars and continue with my supplement protocol.
I think your NA level was higher at a four to begin with so your ratio and level was better than mine which was initially at a 2, this is why it's so tricky when trying to work on the NA and K ratio/levels when you are at the lowest possible range.
How are you feeling now? You are with ARL right? Are you still not taking glandulars?
Sometimes I wish I had tackled the NA/K ratios/levels while tacking the CA/MAG ratios/levels like you did. But, I also think everything happens for a reason and I am happy with the progress I have made in just a year having had issues for quite some time now.
I totaly agree about clearing toxic emotions, I am working with an energy healer at the moment and it has been so helpful. I think I am just going through a stressful time with a move from CA to the UK and hence why I am starting to feel more tired. I just need to rest extra and take extra magnesium and maybe give my adrenals a little boast with the glandulars during this time to help extra with these NA/K levels and ratios. Or maybe I don't and I just need to slow down...
I like your note on the salt, I recently switched from just regular Sea Salt to celtic grey Sea Salt , can't see any huge changes but it's always goof to add with a low NA level.
cheers :)


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