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Co-enzyme Q10 and Vitamin B3?
ricky37 Views: 1,878
Published: 12 y

Co-enzyme Q10 and Vitamin B3?


Yesterday I read a Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome book written by DR SARAH MYHILL, uploaded by wiredgeneration (thanks for that wiredgeneration).

She talks about increasing Co-enzyme Q10 Vitamin B3, in order to improve the mitochondrial function in the cells. Has anyone tried this?

To me, it was interesting to see how her procedure, in some aspects, is very similar to Nutritional Balancing. i.e., she writes "I actually now believe that a low red cell magnesium is a symptom of mitochondrial failure. It is the job of mitochondria to produce ATP for cell metabolism and about 40% of all mitochondrial output goes into maintaining calcium/magnesium and sodium/potassium ion pumps. I suspect that when mitochondria fail, these pumps malfunction and therefore calcium leaks into cells and magnesium leaks out of cells. This, of course, compounds the underlying mitochondrial failure because calcium is toxic to mitochondria and magnesium necessary for normal mitochondrial function. This is just one of the many vicious cycles we see in patients with fatigue syndromes. "

Isn't this almost exactly what we've been discussing in TEI Nutritional Balancing lately?

Anyway, if there are people out there who have worked with this doctor, or her protocol, it would be interesting to hear.




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