Re: Silverfox re: dog + edit + 2nd edit
My husband took the dog to Tufts University on advice of our vet. This was a consultation, they checked the x-rays and said he has multiple lesions in the bones of the right forarm. Pain in the front right, right hip and mid-back. Their conclusions were, very suspicious of cancer,most likely
multiple myeloma or lymphoma. They did a needle aspirate of the lesions and we will get the result probably to-morrow.
Of course they can do a lot more tests but if they think it is cancer we will stop here since they can't treat that anyhow.
I still am using
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement but may be that is not enough. I also started him on IP 6 a week ago. If anyone has suggestions
please let me know. I am now going to check out the pet forum.
The result is he has aggressive osteosarcoma and may be 1-2 months to live. We have decided to keep him just as much comfortable as possible.
Things got bad within a week and we had to say goodbye to him. Very sad.
The next day we adopted a 8 year Brittany to fill the void and help another older dog. She is a nice quiet girl.
Silverfox thank you for your help.