Each morning, I'm taking 1Tbls of olive oil w/1 drop of pure oregano oil and 5-6 drops of olive leaf. Before bed, I take another, but use flax seed oil. This is really spicy, but not too hot for me ... more like WOOOOOHOOOOO, OH YEAHHHHH!!
For months, I've been aware of "something wrong with my ear." My lymph node under my chin on that side is swollen. Yesterday, I decided to start trying to do something about it. I tried putting my oil dose of pure OO and olive leaf in 1 oz of olive oil. I had my daughter pour this into my ear. It didn't burn at all. The sensation in my eustacian tube did abate a little. I'm debating whether to do the same dose again today or maybe double the dose by only using 1/2 oz of olive oil. I'm not real sure that I care to have my ear going WOOOOOHOOOOO, OH YEAHHHHH!