19 y
Re: severe obsessive compulsive disorder
"You are what you eat and you are what you think....."
This quote changed my life....
Through cleansing, fasts, fruitarianism, I noticed many of my thoughts would relate to the food I eat, which was being removed ... When cleansing began past thoughts instantly approached from times that were unpleasant... I feel foods are somehow tied to past thoughts... Its as if non-human foods store non-naturistic thoughts..... It is widely known that metals corrupt your brains thought process.... After removing metal from my mouth "fog" was reduced over the weeks... This tells me that metals SURELY corrupt the human mind.... I upted my intake of Pineapple and noticed a HUGE increase of clear mindedness and peace with earth... Pineapple is one PHENOMINAL metal detoxifier, in addition the iodine supplements the unhealthy mind instantly... I also agree from the above poster that asking yourself why you are thinking the way you are thinking some how delays and re-aligns your thought process... I would suggest try Metal Chelation with Cilantro and Pineapple, and begin eating HUMAN foods (fruits/veggies)... If this path is followed the journey ahead of you will be as bright as the noon sun!!
May your life be vibrant and thoughts be of breaking soothing waves on the rigid Hana, Maui Coast...