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Re: EMF as a Source of Stress
purplepixie Views: 2,177
Published: 12 y
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Re: EMF as a Source of Stress

I agree 155219 - i've also used the palms to the ground is quite instinctual when outside to crouch down and place both palms flat on the ground.

Cell Phone s have added greatly to EMF exposure for everyone, i think that could be why we're seeing extra sensitivity to it.
I'm in the middle of nowhere but i have a view of a cell tower from the land i'm on. There's no escaping them!

Before Cell Phone s were introduced the american government spent a few million dollars on researching the technology. Their own scientific researchers deemed the technology as unsafe for continual exposure to humans, citing the effects we are seeing in the population including an increase in brain cancers in all age groups.
The government did the math and pushed forward the distribution of Cell Phone s technology anyway.

Within an hour of being in a crowded indoor space like a pub or shopping mall i have a searing migraine - never used to years ago - the only common denominator is that every man, woman and even child, is carrying a cell phone these days.

We can't see EMF's - but if we could, just like if we could see heavy metals in our foods and drinks...we would avoid everything!
Unfortunately that's not practicle...unless a hermit on a mountain without cell masts in view...grounding is one way to try to offset the exposure.

But i do secretly hope the sun blasts a mega-CME at the earth that wipes out ALL satelites just long enough for us to experience a cell-phone EMF-less environment once more ;-)


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