11 y
Re: About curezone users who are cured
you have to keep in mind that Dvjorge is a brilliant man, knowing far more probably than he needs to probably cure himself. On the other hand his goal is to be eating pizza and return to the SAD, at least MORE than occasionally, from what I see. That is not so brilliant.
However, it does have merit because what he is talking about is a cure in purest sense, as if candida never happened and the intolorance to carb's is fully restored.
So I ask when you say cure, and when the others say cure in this thread and elswhere with their testimonials, how are we to know what degree of cure, really.
Cure to me at this point means restoring 100% vitality and strength and digestive regularity. Once that is achieved however (that's really not too difficult IMO), it will remain to be seen if the true imbalance can be undone, and I can live and eat normally with NO fear of regression.
I think these points make the discussion confusing. As if there isn't enough confusion with the all the various diets and protocols to choose from.
It would be nice to have a doctor like you, but many of us cannot have access to that. Our experience is "a patient cured, is a patient lost" Largely, we are on our own.