Re: Mold Sensitivity Relief!
You're welcome!
Hey, I had an episode later, maybe a year or two after that.
I had already been taking
Iodine orally but was at a junction when I didn't know what was "enough" or what was "too much".
Anywho, a lady across the street had lost her cat and her dog. She got the cat, but still had to go after the dog.
I offered to hold onto her cat while she ran after the other little scoundrel. By the time she returned (with dog - 8^D) I gave her cat back, of which I had been holding and petting for about I dunno, maybe fifteen minutes.
I felt my eyes starting to itch and my chest getting tight, so I just put a whole DROPPERFUL of my
Iodine (I was taking either 'detoxified' or "magnascent" at the time) into a 4oz glass of water and chugged it down.
I literally felt the allergic reaction MELT away in less than ten minutes' time. It was an "Ahhhh,
relief!" moment.
That's quicker than any benedryl or claritin pill I've ever taken, I can tell you that!
I loves me iodine/iodide.
What I found I loved about the straight
SSKI in the following years is that I never have to worry about 'safety' when it comes to potential overdosing.
It's summer. I like the occasional ice cream. However, dairy (especially ice cream) causes nasal inflammation and sinus congestion for me.
Two droppers' full of
SSKI (I purchase Trapper's) at bedtime ensure a restful night's sleep (without being 'wired' and) with clear nasal passages.