Before we cleaned out our attic and house, I was extremely fatigued 24-7. I slept 10 hours every night and several hours every afternoon. I had lots of foot &joint pain for manyyears, too. I used to use a lot of Actifed, ibuprophen and caffiene to get thru the day, teach a few music lessons a week and practice and perform my instrument. (I am a semi professional musician.) Cleaning out my house really helped me as long as I kept it maticously clean and didn't get a direct exposure. But... mold is ubiquitous, so I was often exposed if I visited stuffy buildings, homes, caugt a whiff from the garbage can or had to do some cleaning. My worse symptoms always came about one hour after an exposure: severe all over body pain especialky in my joints, profound fatigue and drowsiness. If I was at home I just slept it off, but if I was teaching or working, I had to drug-up with caffiene, Actifed and ibuprophen just to keep going. It was so hard on me, I gradually began to live in a bubble, being very socially isolated. Now I feel like I have more hope for a little more normal life... maybe I'll be able to travel with less fear & restrictions.