thank you so much for your response. i have tried everything after many doctors and hospital trips i never even got a stool test, was told it was in my head .. i never felt so hopeless at that point i couldnt believe what was happening. So then went to a gastrologist who looked at some samples i had with me and knowing i had no insurance went ahead put me on a prescription without doing all the tests i couldnt afford.. it helped for a few days then it was 10times worse finially went to a nutritionist did cleanse and started taking lots of herbs but still never could afford the full scale tests but continued with herbs symptoms stayed the same worse in heat and full moon now they are just full blown gotten way bigger and im scared now cause last thursday at work i got bit by a tick and its still infected looking.. couldnt go to doctor have been waiting on insurance they promised for 6 months then they fired me this friday im scared what that bite is doing to me now> it never ends :(