Re: can you make it more clear what is Psych?
That is a very good question. It's the question of all questions really- what is keeping man from his core essence?
I believe the essence or core is accessed through the "heart", so of course certain forces have set up a very loveless, hostile environment on all levels here on earth, to shut down our hearts or set up what psychologists call "armoring" around the heart. Sometimes it keeps attacks out, but it also blocks communion within. There are of course endless variations of manipulations to all parts of man's being to foster this disconnect. We are riddled with parasites, thrown into abusive institutions and family's, injected with mercury and poisoned, brainwashed, bombarded by media. And that's just the physical. And the sheer weight of our genetic memory holds a ton of emotional pain. Humans have inflicted tremendous suffering on one another and everyone is affected, even newborn babies. So what you said of cruelty was spot on.
Perhaps the worst manipulation of all are the traps set up in the "new age" movement. I believe some amongst the newagers genuinely desire to reach their core essence. Many merely are following a fad, seeking an identity or are drug and lust addicts of another order (tantra, hallucinogens, etc). They attune to false gods, beings of light, "guides", "ascended masters", higher dimensional parasites. Even what they call the "Oneness" or "all-that-is" is a false god. They are attuning to a giant machine that runs the matrix. At one point it may have been benevolent, an expression of the true God, but now it too has been hi-jacked by archonic forces. Thus the True God exists beyond the cosmic machine, and can only be tapped deep in the heart, or through whats *true* in a man, and that truth is love.
The entire new age "spiritual" movement has been deliberately coordinated to undermine and downright sabotage mankind's true essence. These people are extremely dangerous, especially the popular gurus. People think illuminati are dangerous, but these new agers are hallowed out by archonic extra dimensional parasites, are vehicles for evil, and can harm you on levels you aren't even aware of. You see, devils demons and reptilians are only the bottom tier of the archonic hierarchy. They are the scapegoats. The real evil lies at the higher tiers, which are run by beings of light who may even appear vastly loving and radiant. This is the ultimate deception.