"Abdomen; The abdomen is the seat of Adolescence. The Small Intestine absorbs vital nutrients and the Large Intestine mainly absorbs water as the liquefied food, called chyme, the stomach makes works its way through. Abdominal problems, cramps, diarrhea, constipation etc. indicate difficulty absorbing nutrients and Life sustaining water.
Blockages occur on the walls of the Intestines when they become encrusted with retained fecal matter. In the realm of ideas and consciousness, we become stuck in adolescence, which I describe as the 'me, me, me,' time of Life. 'Me, me, me,' was more or less appropriate at the time as we strove to create our own identities and separate from our parents.
In our culture, adolescence is a significantly long period of time. Previous to the last half of the Twentieth Century, it almost didn't even exist as a significant life space. The passage from childhood to adulthood was a specific event like the first kill, a Bar Mitzvah, or similar ceremony, a first menstruation, leaving the parental home. Today, adolescence just seems to go on forever. Its beginning and its end are indeterminate. For this reason it is a time of great confusion, emotional turmoil as we strive to act like an adult (without really knowing the rules) and are treated like a kid, or act like a kid (while being told to grow up).
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Kidneys, the Stomach, the Spleen, Chong and Ren channels all flow through and converge below the Navel.
Ren 6 (Qi Hai or 'Sea of Qi), the Second Chakra, and the Lower Dantian are all names for this point of power located just below the Navel. Fear, Anger, Worry, are all concentrated here, as well as the Female principals of giving birth and creativity as represented by the Ren and Chong channels.
The energy here, just like Adolescence is very strong, very dense, and difficult to control. Yet it is an extremely important centre of energy in the human body and a great deal of time and energy is devoted to cultivation and mastery of this energy centre in eastern medical and meditative practices.
Metaphysically, letting go is a very important process to good health. Retaining waste materials in the Large Intestine or retaining toxic ideas from our adolescence have the same toxic effect on the body.
Old ideas that should have been discarded long ago, stick like barnacles and prevent new ideas from being absorbed. Often we are unaware of the toxicity residing in our intestines, hidden beliefs, which we come to accept as unassailable truths, slowly poison us. "
Rest of the body;