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Re: I'm exhausted from taking all this stuff
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Re: I'm exhausted from taking all this stuff

I've decided just to take my multi for now, along with the extra B-complex, D3 and C. I'll do that while I fast, then add in one thing at a time, starting with just vitamins, to see what it is that is affecting me like this.

I've been looking at what I take, and I'm cutting out the ones that kill stuff -- Dopa Mucuna, MSM, Iodine and Borax. Just for awhile, I'm working on building my body up and maybe then I can take the herx better.

Lots of pure, distilled water, lemon juice and ACV and organic raw veggies. I'll try the coffee enemas, but honestly, last time I did one it made me so jittery I couldn't sleep for days. I'm very sensitive to caffeine. Can't drink anything with caffeine after 2 p.m. or I can't sleep. I'd really rather do Liver Flushes and salt water flushes to cleanse my colon and flush my gall bladder.



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