The most dangerous part of anti-candida treatment is when you think your are completely cured, becuase you dont have any symptoms and you go back to the normal diet too soon. Thats happend to me a number of times, and Ive been on the anti candida diet and anti fungals for 8 months now.
If you have had Candida for all your life, I would be very suprised if its gone in only 2 months.
If candida symptoms are gone completely, my Natureal Doctor recommends 2-3 months of continued strict diet, and lots of pro-biotics/fermented (Saurkraut, Kefir, Yogurt) foods to re-colonize the gut and colon. Introduce suspect foods very slowly.
You can also check Jeff McCombs Candida Plan (The last 8 weeks)...his plan introduces foods very carefully...while on probiotics and maintenance dose of Anti fungals.