Today is 6th day of my UT semifast, I don't eat anything at morning (eat small amt of rice at lunch and dinner). I drink morning's first, second midstream urine and only water at the morning, thereafter drinks 1 to 2 sips of midstream urine that helps me to create 2-3 bowel movement before afternoon. Before UT, I used to get only 1 heavy bowel movement per day (Around 12 noon). But after starting UT, I get 2-3 bowel movement at morning and sometimes 1 bowel movement at evening.
I never experienced any strong reaction due to consumption of urine during these 6 days except a little problem on 2nd day due to excessive consumption. My overall experience with UT is very good (as I feel quiet active throughout entire day than b'fore) till time but I am expecting to get bowel movement after dinner and early morning as well.