I start with ambient air (no oxygen concentrator)and use a single stage ozone machine (Synergy Systems WPS-100). That still makes pretty strong ozone. My guess is that ozone and zapping and coconut oil will be the main things that clobber hiv. The big thing is to do the stuff enough. I was zapping for a couple years and my hiv viral load was still high. But I still think zapping may work good if you do it enough. That stuff Beck said about doing 2 hours on the same wrist is way too little. IF he actually knocked down hiv to undetectable with that method then he must have used a lot of ozone. I am very suspicious of Beck now because I tested his theory very good (lots of zapping), but maybe it can work with a lot more application. If I come up with some solid answers I'm going to broadcast what worked for me step-by-step. Then we can see if when anyone else tries it, if it works. An btw, zapping through the torso may be Critical to knocking down hiv. Hiv resides mainly in the gut.