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Black walnut tincture / iodine?
dave505 Views: 1,972
Published: 12 y

Black walnut tincture / iodine?

I was wondering if someone can explain?

Its the second time I'm taking a Black-Walnut tincture (non-alcoholic).I'm taking it for candida and parasites and the whole stuff. But I'm also having adrenal fatigue...and hipothyroid...

Each time i'm taking it I have a lot of energy for hours but in the same time I'm agitated jitery clogged ears and feel like a swealling in my throat . No other simptoms except a feeling of "stopped digestion" for 2-3 hours. anyway i'm taking enzymes...

Could that be due to Iodine contained by Bwalnut?

Would it be OK to take it as they say on the bottle 3 X 2 ml per day for 10 days? I mean to not affect the tytoid or adrenals...Any experience or suggestion are welcomed...



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