Re: zapping microbes in water
>- What would be interesting would be to do a similar experiment but this time on human blood.
I did that a long time ago. Interestingly, the zapper created a ripple pattern on the surface of the red blood cells. This went away after the zapping stopped.
I have also zapped squamous cells swabbed from inside the cheek. No visible damage.
>- Exploded ? Damaged ? Not moving anymore
While I did not observe or record any explosions, many of the microbes were just gone from the slide. Some species of photosynthetic microbes were still there but not showing any internal or external activity.
>- what was the intensity of the flowing current.
I did not measure the current or the resistance of the water. The voltage was 9.5 peak.
>- obsession with the voltage, the voltage is only one part of the equation
It is an important part of the equation.