Caustic Symmetry over at recommends humifulvate plus Iodine and modified citrus pectin for a heavy metal detox that is claimed to be less intense. now i don't know for sure how effective this would be, but CS also recommends R-alpha lipoic acid and acetly-l-carntine as one of the main supplement combos of his immortal hair regimen and claims to have seen much improvement of his hair after a heavy metal cleanse done with the method i just mentioned. well, it COULD be that the humifulvate and MCP worked to absorb a lot of metals that had been stirred up in the past while using R-ALA and ALC (with some being excreted and some being redistributed until the humifulv and mcp were introduced).
Kind of the same idea behind cilantro and chlorella being used together. The chlorella grabs the metals before being reabsorbed via the "bile loop" you're referencing
So i wonder if one is not using DMSA with ALA if a binding agent like chlorella or humifulvate would be useful to help prevent re-absorbtion