Re: Other thread got hijacked, so posting question again - ?? about Master Cleanse and Iodine
The original numbered poster was complaining about tremendous detox. They even posted AGAIN saying that taking LESS was a mistake!
I remember in the beginning of my supplementation going through HORRID detox because I took so little.
I really thought I was helping. I wasn't "hijacking" at all.
I cannot speak for the poster here, but I have learned (with my family) that some people just want someone to give them the answers and think of
Iodine as a "magic pill". We can't always do that, and no,
Iodine is not.
I encourage people to read from our experiences, but I also like to try to help when I can from my own experiences.
I hate it when people suffer NEEDLESSLY and if my "two cents" can help them, I will take time away from my family and pour my heart out.
Hubby thinks I am wasting my time, even getting upset with me for being upset today over all of this, because all I tried to do was to HELP someone. We don't get paid for this, but people treat us like we do.
Going to bed very sad tonight.