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Malcolm Harker Herbals???
Empowerment Views: 754
Published: 12 y

Malcolm Harker Herbals???

Has anybody tried Malcolm Harker's herbal formula, VermEze / VermXpel, (with or without the specific homeopathics taken simultaneously, to remove parasites from the whole body)?

I rang his shop (in New Zealand) about three years ago, and spoke to his sister, Jan. She was very nice. She said I should email her a list of all my health symptoms, and they would prescribe a treatment plan.

The treatment plan would most likely start with the parasite formula for a about 1 week, as they start most customers on that as the first remedy. It often clears up all, or most, health problems, after a week or two of taking it.

After the parasite cleanse, then the customer will usually take the intestinal conditioning powder for about 1 week, to repair the digestive system. Then the customer will take the next recommended formula, and so on ... treating one health issue at a time.


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