Cancer Warnings
Those of you taking protein supplements need to watch out for L glutamine. Recent studies show that cancers suck in L glutamine almost as much as glucose. Termed, Glutamine Traps, this is thought to feed a secondary pathway and accelerate cancer growth.
Stage IV cancer with Liver Mets. A nice lady with a great family. Was doing ok and hanging in there. Referred to a naturopath for ozone and IV c. Pain was increasing during therapy thought to be caused by DCA which happens.
Upon tracking lactic acid we saw an immediate drop in fermentation and lactic acid reduced by 50 per cent in just two weeks. However, CEA nearly doubled. How does that happen? Inhibit fermentation so significantly but CEA goes through the roof?
Upon closer look, the Naturopath put her on a protein supplement that contained thousands of milligrams of glutamine. By the time we figured out what was happening, she had declined so much that it was hard for her to keep her appointments. It was a deal breaker.
Other mistakes in the therapy, the family had her on several different oils, and were doing enemas. She began to lose weight and her bottom was so sore she could barely sit.
When I identified the reason for the loose stools she had dropped weight which she could not afford to lose and her potassium hovered near low range, making cesium not very safe as this will lower potassium further and can exacerbate loose stools.
This example demonstrates how easy it is to screw these therapies up when you get too many practitioners involved, when you try a shotgun approach using internet recommendations and when you don't communicate with an advocate daily to catch these things early.
I feel terrible about the L glutamine thing. It haunts me still.
Bret Peirce
American Cancer Advocates .com