Re: Not sure what will help me :(
I am so sorry you are going through this. It sounds like you have Interstitial Cystitis (IC), which effects the whole body. I am being treated by Dr. Matia Brizman:
I did a TON of research on this. Trust me. While there may be some naturpaths (and Even Dr. Jeffrey McCombs) that have treated IC with some success, NO ONE understands this condition better than Dr. Brizman. All of your symptoms are stemming from IC.
IC is really a problem in your GUT. You have Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) most likely, and this causes leaky gut and bladder symptoms. Many of the women on the forum have MANY of the symptoms you describe and of course, the bladder symptoms.
IC is very, very tricky to treat, because our immune system is so damaged, that many of the alternative treatments such as colonics, fiber, candida cleanses will backfire and cause more inflammation.
Please, please go to the ICAMA website and post your story and ask questions. Read Dr. Brizman's blog posts dating back to 2008. I have been in treatment with her for 9 months and am improving. I thought IC was a life-sentence. Now I know I can re-balance my body and live a normal life (I will always have to limit
Sugar and alcohol).
PM me if you have more questions. I really, really hope you treat with Dr. Brizman.
A fellow IC sufferer