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Re: Two Tribes....One Forum
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Re: Two Tribes....One Forum

Hey Feo - and Marie -

I'm just thinking out loud here.

Is there really any reason to point out flaws in the other program?

We can talk here about our own experiences, and that's really all we got.

I can tell you what worked for me and what didn't. But I don't know about the other program, or if it would or wouldn't work for someone else.

I used to do a ton of CEs and loved them. But now I can't. So I backed off.

I also am doing amazingly well on potassium, which I didn't have given to me on the Wilson protocol.

But I'm glad people are doing well on either protocol.

My concern is for the people who aren't - doing well - and providing information (for instance, that TEI even exists). Or encouraging them to try a different practitioner or get on another protocol before giving up.

Make sense?


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