Re: Two Tribes....One Forum
FEO - I don't think you need to stop hearing it or jump on any bandwagon.
If it is working for you, let it be, my friend. Seriously that is all you need to do!
Have a listen to my body compass recording.
(Well, you don't have to if you don't want to! :)
But that's the point. We all need to learn to listen to our bodies and cultivate an inner knowing and a sense of what is right for us.
If something feels off to you, talk to your practitioner, hopefully they will be responsive. In my opinion, that is the best way to approach the program and what Ori and I had discussed in our interview. This isn't about there being *one. right. way* period. It's about you listening to your body and forming a good relationship with your practitioner and putting trust in *yourself*-
All the best to you and continued health and healing!