I used Nystatin, Amphotericin-B and Sporonox together daily, for 3 months. In my opinion, I was cured of my Antibiotic induced candia overgrowth. This was several years ago. I discovered this treatment in my desperate search to be be "cured". I tried every natural treatment and diet available prior to this, with little or no effect. My only fungal issue at this time is nail fungus which pops up periodically, usually in summer. I use Absorbine horse linament to cure it.
I had a very stange canidida like reaction to Erythritol a few years ago. This is a sweetener which should be avoided by canadida sufferers. Read your lables! I do think the triple antifungal approach is the way to go if you can tolerate it. You need to have liver function teats while on these drugs.