I had the Mirena put in about 9 months ago. Since then, and really starting about 3 months ago, I started noticing a sudden onset of joint pain. It started in my thumb, and I went to see my Dr, who said it could be an early form of arthritis. Since then I have started having pain in the index finger next to the thumb. This was not a gradual thing, it literally happened over night. I also have severe pain in one of my hips that has happened in the past few months. I also get an occasional pain in my calf muscle (only on one side), that feels like I have run a marathon...but only on the one side. This happens for no reason. I feel totally fatigued all the time and I like to think of myself as relatively healthy. I stay pretty active chasing around all of my children, eat well, and get plenty of rest. Could this joint and muscle pain be a result of the mirena?