Re: Borax and bloody nose
Borax is out of the body within a couple of days, same as with iodine, so no danger of taking it on a regular basis.
Sometimes we have to choose whether having an effect, and also a side effect of something, or to not have effect.
Like me with a serious candida infection; I chose to stay on a high dose of borax for a full year, even if it dried out my skin and membranes a little bit.
When it comes to nose bleeding; I had this big time for many years. Now when I take 5 grams of vit C a day, sometimes more; it never happens. Borax; I take a capsule (4-500 mg) 2-3 times a week, just for maintenance. No drying effect at this level, but it could be if I took it daily.
Yes, the triboron is a good option; but the RDA of 3 mg is not enough to have a therepeutic effect IMO, and I doubt it would handle a serious
Arthritis or candida infections. If we could get some testimony on tri borons effect that would be great.
How much needed etc.