Re: Wiley Brooks live interview on right now
look at it from wileys point of view, for 30 years he taught people for free, for a nominal fee and later for a few hundred dollars, and what happened, demon possessed new agers and old guard alike called him every unkind name under the sun and BLASTED him with THIER negativity. gossiping about wiley eating a pot pie instead of FOCUSING on what the heck he was trying to teach.
I think Wiley is very interesting. Jasmuheen gives away free breatharian lectures on her site, takes free cases that can not pay who demonstrate need and she has books on her site that cost 7.88 or 8.88 to download, anybody so cheap who will not pay 8.88 to help jasmuheen pay her distribution costs and computer electric bill to run the computer site, with tons of free info, is demon possessed with a negative cheapskate demon entity possessing them, in my book. When jasmuheen ran a FREE forum, self admitted drunks from flats in liverpool BASHED her site 24/7 from thier computers. Now if they want to BASH jasmuheen they have to PAY to go to one of her lectures, and bashers are too cheap to pay to bash others and demon possessed negative bashers can not demonstrate sincere need of anything other then they need an exorcism.
Would you reiki heal in a treatment a demon possessed person who spit in your face, called you unkind names and stole your electric bill money? Of course you wouldn't. You might use Dr. S. Modi MD's 'Remarkable Healings" exorcism book, which teaches distance exorcism techniques to free them from the demons that are possessing them and blinding them to fair trade, MUTUAL SUPPORT and fair exchange but other then that, unless your a trained exorcist, it is best to stay away from people who are demon possessed and do not like you and only seek to mock and jeer your work, as was the case with wiley and jasmuheen and many other progressive thinkers. Gallileo was put in prison and his work burned because he taught FOR FREE the earth was round not flat. We do NOT need any more martyrs. Teachers are stuck in bodies too and must pay electric bills like everyone else, unless they are Amish, (amish use no electric) and as MH said,most Amish won't even talk to "the english" unless its for barter and trade, exchange of money or fair trade of goods and service. If a student is possessed by demons who mock, jeer, call bad names, or insults a teacher or healer, the teacher or healer will NOT waste his or her time with such an insincere demon possessed student like that, as there are too many sincere seekers for anyone but a trained exorcist to put up with demon possessed trouble makers. That is only common sense.
I know free shareware concepts, where people pay as they utilize the info product or service, it does not work unless you have all in accord, as in a barter system. Value is hard to put a price on as what one values, someone else may not value and vice versa.
Wiley is a pioneer in breathrianism, on the radio interview he just gave he teaches for free what to eat for one week and he says if he gets good responses to the radio station link above he will teach another free week.
I hope they interview him again. I find it amazing the guy can live on only a double quarter pounder and 20 ounce diet coke for a week or a month. And I tend to believe him because he is 6' foot tall and weighs only 125lbs, he's very slender for his height and he looks and sounds healthy and can bench press 800 pounds.
I would like to attend a workshop with wiley brooks if he lowers his workshop price to a reasonable price. if he ever writes a book that costs a nominal or reasonable fee I would read it, as wiley has apparently mastered and overcome human food addictions, that alone makes him interesting.