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Must read article on Morgellons

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braveheart007 Views: 2,076
Published: 12 y

Must read article on Morgellons

fly man oh yhea! lol Well as a biology teacher/researcher kind of gal I feel this article is very, very well written and has a lot of potential about where this disease really came from. All those alien/craziness stuff really makes this controversial disease much harder to get the Dr.s to believe. Lets stick to stuff like this. I really believe this is a bacterial/fungal/ parasite thing going on. Nothing to do with chem trails/gmo/etc. etc. but I'm sure all that stuff doesn't help.

My first dermatologist appt. was both bad and good. Bad in that he wants me to go on antipsychotic medication as I have delusional parasatosis in his opinion. I gave him shit. I had many nice live fresh specimens I squeezed out of my skin and he still said I was delusional that those black specs were not a problem.

I was like so if I put the oil on you and you have 100s of specs come out of you it wouldn't bother you? He was like nope. Oh so that is clear you are in Denial. My skin is so much better after getting these whatever they are out. There is definitely correlations between the itching and the crud. The crud comes out and the itching stops and my moles are disappearing too where I gently rub castor oil into them. All getting smaller and smaller!

Anyway the good news is there was another dermatologist he could recommend me who was interested in such things. I was like oh so your not interested eh? yhea I gave it to him alright. I said aren't Dr.s supposed to help you? He was like well we do our best but its hard. So we both know where we stand. He thinks I'm delusional and I think he is in denial and obviously not concerned about his own health!! As anyone who has let me wipe coconut oil on them has had them come out! I'm batting 7 for 7 and my sister has 2 for 2.

Maybe I'll just go around wiping oil on random people. haha No just kidding I'm really not crazy. I have a life, I work, I will not let this take me down or lessen my ejoyment of my life. It is just a new challenge. Face it with good grace is my humble opinion. :)


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