Water cleansing, coffee enema, coconut cleansing!
Hi all.
Well, I am learning. Had my third coffee break last night.
The first one I did was just a coffee enema. I was not totally satisfied, although I did pass bugs and eggs.
Then I did a boiled water (body temp) cleanse and then a coffee enema, followed by another water cleanse. Really satisfied and had a high up bowel flush sort of thing.
But my bowels got sore even though the water cleaned the coffee out, so yesterday I cleaned with water first, then
coffee enema with a little coconut oil, followed by a water cleanse with coconut oil.
Really effective! My bowels are not sore at all, bowel movements restore within a day, and I got past the old-public-dry-toilet smell, and had some sweet sulfur kind of smell.
I have not reached that high before and I passed sesame seed eggs, larvae - and dead worms and also some brown mush, looking like plaque from the intestine walls. Could be that, but I am suspecting it might have been liver flukes too. Not sure.
Also I passed something that looked like small chick pea seeds. Could they be gallstones?
I also passed some red plaque. I have eaten cranberries, so it could be that, but could also be liver flukes?
Anyone else here try coconut oil flushes? I also consume coconut oil two, three times a day. I eat garlic twice a day, cinnamon in my tea, lemon water and probiotics.
I have had a weird thing happen since I started bowel cleansing/flushing. I am a fish vegan. But this has really given me a resentment to fish!
Sugar intolerance is so much better!
Psoriasis is getting so much better!
My constant food cravings are almost gone!
:) overall, I am very happy. Anyone else tried coconut
colonics with success?